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Following up after an interview
Robyn Luyt avatar
Written by Robyn Luyt
Updated over a week ago

Once you’ve completed an interview, take a moment to reflect on what you’ve learned about the company and the job.

How to follow up if you’re interested in continuing the application process:

  • Thank them for their time.

  • Mention a specific aspect of the interview that you enjoyed or felt challenged by.

  • Tell them you’re excited to hear their feedback and potentially continue with the process.

  • Check if they need further information from you.

How to close the loop if you’re no longer interested in the position:

  • Make sure you do this promptly so that the company can plan accordingly: You don’t want to burn any bridges.

  • Thank them for their time and the opportunity.

  • Mention something specific that you did enjoy about the interview or that you found interesting about the company.

  • Explain broadly that the opportunity is not in line with what you’re looking for, and you won’t be continuing the interview process. It is up to you how detailed you are with your feedback, but be careful to be considerate and polite.

How to follow up with an unresponsive company:

  • Remind them of when your interview was (eg. “I enjoyed our interview on the 3rd of August”).

  • Ask when you can expect to get feedback.

  • Make it clear you would like to continue the interview process.

How to close the loop with an unresponsive company:

  • Remind them of when your interview was (eg. “I enjoyed our interview on the 3rd of August”).

  • State the amount of time you have not received feedback from them.

  • State that you will be focusing on other opportunities for now, but are open to hearing from them if the role reopens (if this is the case).

For more interviewing tips, check out our full guide.

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