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Connect OfferZen to Workday

Connect your Workday account to OfferZen for streamlined hiring

Robyn Luyt avatar
Written by Robyn Luyt
Updated over a week ago

What you can expect after connecting with Workday:

  • You will be able to link a position in OfferZen to the corresponding Workday job.

  • Candidates will automatically be sent to the relevant job in Workday when they accept your interview request on OfferZen.

  • As you move a candidate through the stages in your hiring process, the application stage syncs back and is displayed on OfferZen.

  • Your Account Manager will be able to see upcoming interviews scheduled with a candidate in Workday to make collaboration even easier.

Follow these steps to see candidates in Workday:

1. Create an Integration System User (ISU)

From your Workday portal, log into the Workday tenant. Once there, type “Create Integration System User” into the Search field.

Select the task called Create Integration System User. On Create Integration System User page, go to the Account Information section, enter a username and confirm a password, then click OK.

2. Add this Integration System User to a Security Group:

In the Search field, type “Create Security Group.” Select the task called Create Security Group and click OK.

On the Create Security Group page, find the Type of Tenanted Security Group pull-down menu, and select Integration System Security Group from it. Enter a name for the group into the Name field, and click OK.

On the Edit Integration System Security Group (Unconstrained) page, in the Name field, enter the same name you entered when creating the Integration System User above. Click OK.

3. Configure Domain Security Policy Permissions

Functional Areas you need enabled

  • Recruiting

  • Pre-Hire Process

  • Person Data

  • Contact Information

Parent Domain


Candidate Data: Job Application

Candidate Data: Interview Schedule

Candidate Data: Offer Details

Candidate Data: Other Jobs

Jobs Requisitions for Recruiting

Candidate Data: Personal Information

Candidate Data: Personal Information

Candidate Data: Other Information

Candidate Data: Photo

Candidate Data: Attachement

Pre-Hire Process Data: Name and Contact Information

Pre-Hire Data: Contact Information

Pre-Hire Data: Names

Job Requisition Data

Person Data: Personal Data

Person Data: Citizenship Status

Person Data: Disabilities

Person Data: ID Information

Person Data: Marital Status

Person Data: Date of Birth

Person Data: Gender

Person Data: Government IDs

Person Data: Personal Information

Person Data: Home Contact Information

Person Data: Home Address

Person Data: Home Email

Person Data: Home Instant Messenger

Person Data: Home Phone

Person Data: Home Web Address

Person Data: Work Contact Information

Person Data: Work Address

Person Data: Work Email

Person Data: Work Instant Messenger

Person Data: Work Phone

Person Data: Work Web Address

Manage: Location

4. Activate Security Policy Changes

Type “Activate Pending Security Policy Changes” to view a summary of the changes in the security policy that will need to be approved. After reviewing, approve the pending changes in order to activate them.

5. Validate Authentication Policy is Sufficient

Check the Manage Authentication Policies section and ensure the ISU you created is added to a security policy that can access the necessary domains. It should not be restricted to only the "SAML" Allowed Authentication Types – if it is, though, you can create a new Authentication Policy with a "User Name Password" Allowed Authentication Type.

Type "Activate All Pending Authentication Policy Changes" in the search bar to view a summary of the changes in the authentication policy that need approval. After reviewing them, approve the pending authentication policy changes in order to activate them.

6. Obtain the Web Services Endpoint for Workday Tenant

OfferZen will need access to your specific Workday web services endpoint: To obtain it, search in Workday for Public Web Services and open the Public Web Services Report.

Hover over Human resources and click the three dots to access the menu. On the menu, click Web Services > View WSDL. Navigate to the bottom of the page that opens and you'll find the host. Copy everything until you see /service.

7. Enter credentials into OfferZen

Find the OfferZen Integrations page by logging into your OfferZen account, clicking More on the navigation bar, and then Integrations.

Click on the Connect button for Workday.

Follow the prompts on the page, and enter the link you copied from Workday into the text box when prompted to enter your Workday Web Services Endpoint URL.

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