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How to apply to jobs on OfferZen
Robyn Luyt avatar
Written by Robyn Luyt
Updated over a week ago

Instead of waiting for companies to reach out to you, you can also choose to take charge of your job search and apply to open roles directly.

Please note: This feature is in beta. If you have any issues using it, please reach out to you talent advisor.

Viewing available jobs

Navigate to the list of available roles by clicking the Jobs tab on your navigation bar.

You’ll be shown a list of available jobs that match your desired role(s), ranked based on how well they match your OfferZen profile. Note that you won’t see roles for which you’ve already received a message, with companies you’ve blocked, or which don’t match your profile.

Evaluating available jobs

While viewing an open role, you can click on View company profile to visit their public profile. This will tell you more about the company’s values, mission, perks, and more.

The card on the right side of your screen will show you which fields match your profile, and which fields don’t. This is a great, quick reference to help you decide whether the job is a good fit for you.

​Applying to jobs

Click on the Apply for this job button. You’ll see a pop up asking you to confirm that you wish to apply for this job. Click Send my application and you’re done!

Click Send my application and you’re done!

What happens now?

Your application will be sent to the company and they’ll reach out if they agree that it’s a good fit.

To see the status of your applications, click on the Applications tab in the sub-navigation bar. You will also receive an email when a company responds to your application.

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